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Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Configuration


In order to successfully install and run Distrinet, ensure your system meets the requirements described in this section.


Distrinet requires one master and at least one worker. Distrinet client should be able to connect by ssh to the master and the master should be able to connect to the workers. We are using Ubuntu 18.04 for this tutorial.

1) Generate a ssh keypair (if you don’t have one) in your Distrinet client and put the public id in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the master host and the worker hosts.

ubuntu@client:~$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/home/ubuntu/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|^B    ..o+.      |
|*=o  . +....     |
|*=  . =oo   .    |
|..=..B o.  .     |
|.+ +*.+ S .      |
|o..o .. + ...    |
|+E     . . +o    |
|        .  .o.   |
|            o.   |
ubuntu@client:~$ cat .ssh/
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4auR5Gxae2aHx0Sde69c1tJiFFWNx0DlAN+pJNkmT/wGyIfntMBWAL6qVrfJOSSFbmBu8crFQbI9Ouay+TsP2Ni0gVg1e9G8r6O4BCOsTD6N/vb/v3BZ7II/RsHoZC5mdiTySPuQTAM7dTxD7YpgMxUtUI+FyZqpaEKCcfB66LZmmEhMlAYYDtZHKZcgaTfO04nw9DYEymxWKkQzoxxTAfQeGKKgobyspdboTH8PkSXjq4un/RoaeKfjAT9HdCGVFuvpO/JRzewb6ze7wTET9ntWjDKoi8lFoPO09nrQCLsJ6cxLBgIZaGw/B5eFl6XBjfpmO/kfyNxQt9zHaM+Yn ubuntu@client

Now put the generated public key in the master and the workers with (IMPORTANT: you need to allow the client to connect by ssh to the root account of the master and the workers):

root@master:~$ mkdir ~/.ssh
root@master:~$ echo "ID_RSA.PUB CLIENT" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


root@master:~$ mkdir ~/.ssh
root@master:~$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4auR5Gxae2aHx0Sde69c1tJiFFWNx0DlAN+pJNkmT/wGyIfntMBWAL6qVrfJOSSFbmBu8crFQbI9Ouay+TsP2Ni0gVg1e9G8r6O4BCOsTD6N/vb/v3BZ7II/RsHoZC5mdiTySPuQTAM7dTxD7YpgMxUtUI+FyZqpaEKCcfB66LZmmEhMlAYYDtZHKZcgaTfO04nw9DYEymxWKkQzoxxTAfQeGKKgobyspdboTH8PkSXjq4un/RoaeKfjAT9HdCGVFuvpO/JRzewb6ze7wTET9ntWjDKoi8lFoPO09nrQCLsJ6cxLBgIZaGw/B5eFl6XBjfpmO/kfyNxQt9zHaM+Yn ubuntu@client" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
root@worker1:~$ mkdir ~/.ssh
root@worker1:~$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4auR5Gxae2aHx0Sde69c1tJiFFWNx0DlAN+pJNkmT/wGyIfntMBWAL6qVrfJOSSFbmBu8crFQbI9Ouay+TsP2Ni0gVg1e9G8r6O4BCOsTD6N/vb/v3BZ7II/RsHoZC5mdiTySPuQTAM7dTxD7YpgMxUtUI+FyZqpaEKCcfB66LZmmEhMlAYYDtZHKZcgaTfO04nw9DYEymxWKkQzoxxTAfQeGKKgobyspdboTH8PkSXjq4un/RoaeKfjAT9HdCGVFuvpO/JRzewb6ze7wTET9ntWjDKoi8lFoPO09nrQCLsJ6cxLBgIZaGw/B5eFl6XBjfpmO/kfyNxQt9zHaM+Yn ubuntu@client" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
root@worker2:~$ mkdir ~/.ssh
root@worker2:~$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4auR5Gxae2aHx0Sde69c1tJiFFWNx0DlAN+pJNkmT/wGyIfntMBWAL6qVrfJOSSFbmBu8crFQbI9Ouay+TsP2Ni0gVg1e9G8r6O4BCOsTD6N/vb/v3BZ7II/RsHoZC5mdiTySPuQTAM7dTxD7YpgMxUtUI+FyZqpaEKCcfB66LZmmEhMlAYYDtZHKZcgaTfO04nw9DYEymxWKkQzoxxTAfQeGKKgobyspdboTH8PkSXjq4un/RoaeKfjAT9HdCGVFuvpO/JRzewb6ze7wTET9ntWjDKoi8lFoPO09nrQCLsJ6cxLBgIZaGw/B5eFl6XBjfpmO/kfyNxQt9zHaM+Yn ubuntu@client" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

To check that the configuration is ok, try to connect via ssh to the master and the hosts;

In my case:

  • the master is at:
  • the worker1 is at:
  • the worker2 is at:
ubuntu@client:~$ ssh root@ echo connected
ubuntu@client:~$ ssh -J root@ root@ echo connected
ubuntu@client:~$ ssh -J root@ root@ echo connected

2) Generate a ssh keypair in your master and put the public id in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the master host and the worker hosts.

root@master:~$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:v9r3KiI+K85kpss8cZ1p4mJUnnXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX root@master
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|                 |
|    .            |
|     o   . .     |
|    . o . . o    |
|   + o =S    = . |
|  o * .  .  + + .|
| . +*+    .. + . |
| o+*o o .o+.o o  |
| .==.oo++=+*E=.  |
root@master:~$ cat .ssh/
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1tw/qqr3qY+wHKZJw4d5uATiOsar1UCdUxG3RHYShodscvRcnWtt5Z2MR71549n8UL7WDqpLnGqBD+IamI0E6gqS0EOhiy+tBx5JesIfllEbMrPN98qZk7p6fjD7fnU/FCucUoVhRpw417YFMUzNOqNYCntWxXGDt6grGpzzwoKlyGMo9XZKUBaL0yjjGRaIN970wEte3nhW6CGeJprN7kVxxr3qpPuhuIk2ANWJk+xYls+lCcq13qAYsnXeDz1wfAwx5uB2aJHg0ETgq8FjWhh8qHlRBzq/StlHlPVwpsR81/TV9Oba7yDQLtXPPJpcqfP+DPURoUWr9NWaAVIvh root@master

Now put the generated key in the master and the workers with:

root@master:~$ mkdir ~/.ssh
root@master:~$ echo "ID_RSA.PUB MASTER" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


root@master:~$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1tw/qqr3qY+wHKZJw4d5uATiOsar1UCdUxG3RHYShodscvRcnWtt5Z2MR71549n8UL7WDqpLnGqBD+IamI0E6gqS0EOhiy+tBx5JesIfllEbMrPN98qZk7p6fjD7fnU/FCucUoVhRpw417YFMUzNOqNYCntWxXGDt6grGpzzwoKlyGMo9XZKUBaL0yjjGRaIN970wEte3nhW6CGeJprN7kVxxr3qpPuhuIk2ANWJk+xYls+lCcq13qAYsnXeDz1wfAwx5uB2aJHg0ETgq8FjWhh8qHlRBzq/StlHlPVwpsR81/TV9Oba7yDQLtXPPJpcqfP+DPURoUWr9NWaAVIvh root@master" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
root@worker1:~$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1tw/qqr3qY+wHKZJw4d5uATiOsar1UCdUxG3RHYShodscvRcnWtt5Z2MR71549n8UL7WDqpLnGqBD+IamI0E6gqS0EOhiy+tBx5JesIfllEbMrPN98qZk7p6fjD7fnU/FCucUoVhRpw417YFMUzNOqNYCntWxXGDt6grGpzzwoKlyGMo9XZKUBaL0yjjGRaIN970wEte3nhW6CGeJprN7kVxxr3qpPuhuIk2ANWJk+xYls+lCcq13qAYsnXeDz1wfAwx5uB2aJHg0ETgq8FjWhh8qHlRBzq/StlHlPVwpsR81/TV9Oba7yDQLtXPPJpcqfP+DPURoUWr9NWaAVIvh root@master" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
root@worker2:~$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1tw/qqr3qY+wHKZJw4d5uATiOsar1UCdUxG3RHYShodscvRcnWtt5Z2MR71549n8UL7WDqpLnGqBD+IamI0E6gqS0EOhiy+tBx5JesIfllEbMrPN98qZk7p6fjD7fnU/FCucUoVhRpw417YFMUzNOqNYCntWxXGDt6grGpzzwoKlyGMo9XZKUBaL0yjjGRaIN970wEte3nhW6CGeJprN7kVxxr3qpPuhuIk2ANWJk+xYls+lCcq13qAYsnXeDz1wfAwx5uB2aJHg0ETgq8FjWhh8qHlRBzq/StlHlPVwpsR81/TV9Oba7yDQLtXPPJpcqfP+DPURoUWr9NWaAVIvh root@master" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Check that the configuration is ok

root@master:~$ ssh root@localhost echo connected
root@master:~$ ssh root@ echo connected
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:hPpFPR7LE7iszMc3b0a6zzqAIljFTdTNkdBSvMcWFm4.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@master:~$ ssh root@ echo connected
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:VFxX2pT7jxeiv7y44v/Da38/Q5wRPle5FxWCajekhLI.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

3) Install Ansible on your master host (if you are not root, add sudo at the beginning of each command).

NOTE: Ubuntu snap users must install Ansible (version>=2.8) on the master host. For this purpose, Ansible repository must be provided with the latest version as follows.

root@master:~$ apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
root@master:~$ apt update

Other users shall not add the external repository.

Install Ansible as follows

root@master:~$ apt install software-properties-common -y
root@master:~$ apt install ansible -y

Then for all users.

Configure Ansible in your master:

    1) vim /etc/ansible/hosts
    2) add the following lines
    [master] ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
    3) for each worker add the line
    WORKER_IP ansible_ssh_extra_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3


Selecting previously unselected package python-libcloud.
# This is the default ansible 'hosts' file.
[master] ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
[workers] ansible_ssh_extra_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 ansible_ssh_extra_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3

5) Check your Ansible configuration:

ansible all -m ping -u root

you should receive an answer from all the hosts.

root@master:~$ ansible all -m ping -u root | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

6) Copy the file install-lxd.yml and configure-lxd-no-clustering.yml in your master

scp ~/Distrinet/mininet/mininet/provision/playbooks/install-lxd.yml USER@MASTER_IP:
scp ~/Distrinet/mininet/mininet/provision/playbooks/configure-lxd-no-clustering.yml USER@MASTER_IP:


ubuntu@client:~$ scp ~/Distrinet/mininet/mininet/provision/playbooks/install-lxd.yml root@         
ubuntu@client:~$ scp ~/Distrinet/mininet/mininet/provision/playbooks/configure-lxd-no-clustering.yml  root@                                                                                                                                        100% 2903     6.5MB/s   00:00

Now run the playbooks in the master with :

root@master:~$ ansible-playbook ~/install-lxd.yml
root@master:~$ ansible-playbook ~/configure-lxd-no-clustering.yml

NOTE 1: Debian 10 users must use install-lxd-debian-10.yml instead of install-lxd.yml.

NOTE 2: Ubuntu snap users must use install-lxd-snap.yml instead of install-lxd.yml.

Depending on your connection and your machines, it can take around 5 or 10 minutes. To check if the configuration is ok, you can run:

root@master:~$ ansible all -u root -m raw -a "lxc image ls" | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
| ALIAS  | FINGERPRINT  | PUBLIC |            DESCRIPTION             |  ARCH  |   SIZE   |         UPLOAD DATE         |
| switch | 5448ace25988 | yes    | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server (20190514) | x86_64 | 278.98MB | Feb 5, 2020 at 3:24pm (UTC) |
| ubuntu | f5a783211484 | yes    | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server (20190514) | x86_64 | 267.68MB | Feb 5, 2020 at 3:24pm (UTC) |
+--------+--------------+--------+------------------------------------+--------+----------+-----------------------------+ | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

| ALIAS  | FINGERPRINT  | PUBLIC |            DESCRIPTION             |  ARCH  |   SIZE   |         UPLOAD DATE         |
| switch | 5448ace25988 | yes    | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server (20190514) | x86_64 | 278.98MB | Feb 5, 2020 at 3:20pm (UTC) |
| ubuntu | f5a783211484 | yes    | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server (20190514) | x86_64 | 267.68MB | Feb 5, 2020 at 3:20pm (UTC) |
Shared connection to closed. | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

| ALIAS  | FINGERPRINT  | PUBLIC |            DESCRIPTION             |  ARCH  |   SIZE   |         UPLOAD DATE         |
| switch | 5448ace25988 | yes    | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server (20190514) | x86_64 | 278.98MB | Feb 5, 2020 at 3:20pm (UTC) |
| ubuntu | f5a783211484 | yes    | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server (20190514) | x86_64 | 267.68MB | Feb 5, 2020 at 3:20pm (UTC) |
Shared connection to closed.

8) You can run an experiment from your Distrinet client. Be sure to set correctly the user, the master and the workers when you run the experiment. The configuration file is at ~/.distrinet/conf.yml if you have installed correctly Distrinet in your client machine. You have to configure the “ssh” and “cluster” part. If you don’t need aws, g5k or port forwarding you can remove it from the file.

1) ssh-->pub_id: you have to put your public key(the one that you created in the client host), 
2) ssh-->user: the user that you use to connec to with the master and the slaves (use root for this version of distrinet),
3) ssh-->client_keys: the path of the private key,
4) sss-->bastion: this is optional, is the default ip of your master host.

In our case :

ubuntu@client:~$ vim .distrinet/conf.yml

The configuration file for the example is:

ubuntu@client:~/Distrinet/mininet# cat ~/.distrinet/conf.yml

  pub_id: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4auR5Gxae2aHx0Sde69c1tJiFFWNx0DlAN+pJNkmT/wGyIfntMBWAL6qVrfJOSSFbmBu8crFQbI9Ouay+TsP2Ni0gVg1e9G8r6O4BCOsTD6N/vb/v3BZ7II/RsHoZC5mdiTySPuQTAM7dTxD7YpgMxUtUI+FyZqpaEKCcfB66LZmmEhMlAYYDtZHKZcgaTfO04nw9DYEymxWKkQzoxxTAfQeGKKgobyspdboTH8PkSXjq4un/RoaeKfjAT9HdCGVFuvpO/JRzewb6ze7wTET9ntWjDKoi8lFoPO09nrQCLsJ6cxLBgIZaGw/B5eFl6XBjfpmO/kfyNxQt9zHaM+Yn ubuntu@client"
  user: "root"
  client_keys: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
  bastion: "Bastion host IP ''"

  region: "eu-central-1"
  user: "ubuntu"
  volumeSize: "8"
  image_name: "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-20190722.1"
  key_name_aws: "id_rsa"
    - IpProtocol: "-1"
      FromPort: 1
      ToPort: 65353
        - CidrIp: ""

  g5k_user: "your username"
  g5k_password: "your password"
  image_name: "ubuntu1804-x64-python3"
  location: "nancy"
  cluster: "grisou"

  user: "root"

  physical_infrastructure_path: "PATH TO JSON FILE (do not include .json)"
  cloud_instances_prices: "PATH TO JSON FILE (do not include .json)"

After the configuration, you can start your first experiment. From your Distrinet client:

  • Go to your Distrinet/mininet directory
      cd ~/Distrinet/mininet
  • Make sure to have the :mininet: in your PYTHONPATH:
      export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:mininet:
  • Run a simple experiment:
      python3 bin/dmn --bastion=MASTER_IP --workers="MASTER_IP,WORKER1_IP,WORKER2_IP" --controller=lxcremote,ip= --topo=linear,2

In our case

ubuntu@client:~/Distrinet/mininet# python3 bin/dmn --bastion= --workers=",," --controller=lxcremote,ip= --topo=linear,2

Start the ryu controller from your master host.

    ryu-manager /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ryu/app/ --verbose

In our case

root@master:~# ryu-manager /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ryu/app/ --verbose

After some seconds, we are able to run pingall from the Mininet CLI.

alt text

7) Type “exit” to conclude the experiment.